Our Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Software Products:
- EarthView® InSAR - A software application designed
to produce digital elevation models and height change maps through the
use of repeat pass SAR interferometry. This user-friendly product contains
an integrated GUI environment, allows for semi-automated processing
and provides the user with tools for handling poor quality data.
A copy of the brochure is available in PDF format 
- EarthView® Advanced Precision Processor (APP)
- An advanced SAR Processor which offers a full choice of SAR processing
algorithms and parameters and is capable of utilizing multiple CPU's
for increased throughput. Its comprehensive GUI can be configured for
either a novice or an advanced user.
A copy of the brochure is available in PDF format 
- EarthView® Stereo - This software tool generates
a digital terrain height model from a pair of SAR images. In contrast
to interferometric techniques, a stereo solution requires that image
pairs be acquired from quite different viewing geometries. The control
over viewing geometry, afforded by RADARSAT, ENVISAT, and ALOS, has
made this technique possible. EarthView® Stereo is able to process
a full resolution DEM in less than an hour on a PC!
A copy of the brochure is available in PDF format 
ASI's low cost line of EarthView® InSAR, APP and Stereo
software products service both the scientific and operational communities
as commercial off-the-shelf software that runs on both MS Windows and
UNIX platforms. EarthView's® uniqueness lies in the software's
ability to exploit the CPU's instruction sets to obtain superior platform
performance, while providing the tools and flexibility needed to perform
research studies.
ASI's research and development team serves its clients by performing studies and analyses; developing signal processing systems and simulation software; performing field studies; and integrating systems for remote sensing applications. In order to remain a leader in the areas of data acquisition, image analysis and advanced signal processing, ASI is continually updating and improving its existing products as well as developing new innovative application packages.